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Dad Fuck 13 Year Old Daughter

An Alabama man was convicted on multiple sex charges Tuesday after police and prosecutors say he directed his girlfriend to have sex with his 11-year-old autistic son when he became concerned the boy was gay.

dad fuck 13 year old daughter

On Tuesday, the father, who is not being named in an effort to protect the identity of the child, was convicted of rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of a child younger than 12. Khadeijah Moore, his 20-year-old girlfriend at the time, was also convicted.

My husband has been diagnosed with a degenerative brain disorder. He has trouble with his memory , says exactly what he is thinking and becomes agitated easily.My 15 year old son is having a difficult time understanding his fathers behaviors. My son is often rude to both my husband and myself.

I have a 10 year old son. Last week he told me to F-off. He lost screens for a day and all felt fine. Then on Father's Day, our family was supposed to go on a family bike ride after his morning 1hr screen time. He said he wouldn't go on the bike ride because he would be gone for four hours. Then it escalated into him telling me to F-off again and smacked me (not painful, but a symbol of his level of disrespect).

Hi, vietchinamom. That's a great question. Sometimes a parent may need to withhold a privilege until their child is able to have a calm problem solving conversation. For example, the next time your daughter becomes belligerent when you try to have a conversation with her, you could say to her something like "I can see that you're not ready to have a conversation about what happened earlier. That's OK. We do need to have a conversation, though. So, until you're able to talk about your behavior in a calm, respectful manner, you're not going to be able to use your phone (or another privilege). Once we've had the conversation, you can have your phone back." This is usually an effective way of motivating your child to have a problem solving conversation.

I am a father to three teenage children, all of whom have disrespected me for years. It has caused me and continues to cause me enormous problems. I believe it's down to my marriage to their mother, during which she disrespected me and I just took it. The kids learned that Dad is a doormat, takes all manner of abuse and still does everything you want! We separated in the end. However, I am changing the view of me as slave, 'best friend', gopher etc. I am trying something out and so far it seems to be working. This is what I am trialling: If they swear at or are disrespectful to me, even once, I ask for their phone or internet dongle, saying either that it will be a half hour ban for more minor grievances or a longer, but distinct, time period for more serious offences. They then refuse to give it to me. Staying calm throughout, I say that if they do not give it to me right now, I will double the ban. And, crucially, I have learned the hard way that I have to MEAN IT and follow through. So far, I get the phone. Then no amount of pleading, apologising, begging will bring it back earlier. And if they carry on being disrespectful, I tell them I have extended the ban to x hours, maybe proportionate to the amount/level of disrespect (punishment fits the crime etc). This renders them impotent, since they know that: a) if they continue the disrespect, the ban will extend, and b) I mean it and it will happen like I said it would. Sometimes I say, 'you will get the phone back - when I decide.' So if it's a power struggle they want, they've handed whatever power they thought they had straight to me. Sometimes they will try to play me at my own game and take something of mine. As long as it isn't something dangerous or personal, I'll say, 'Fine, have it. But you've just extended your ban.' I'm hoping to make them understand that it's THEIR actions that lead to the consequence, not mine - I am only the consequence setter. It's an attempt to teach them that the best power they have in a situation like this is not to begin it in the first place.

I have a 13 year old daughter who is out of control. She has refused to go to school all week. Refuses to get out of bed till she wants, swings punches at me if I try to drag her out of bed. Tells me she is bigger than me and can bash me.

Hi, my name is Sasha. My son is 6 years old. I feel as if I am on the verge of a breakdown and at the same time I feel silly for it. My son is sweet. He's very kind and very helpful. When it comes to helping another, 90%More of the time his answer is yes. But when he's doing something inappropriate he downright refuses to follow directions 60-80% of the time. He does things like yell, "I hate you" and "I hate you guys"(when it's me and his stepfather talking with him). He says no forcefully and stares at me as if he's asserting his dominance. I don't know why he things he can do this with me. We had a rough start living with my mother until just last year. She under-minded me at every turn and helped to grow bad behaviors. Before I started working full time when he was 3-4 he was highly independent and afraid of nothing. Now he's afraid of the dark like never before and also afraid of ever being in a room alone. I've tried to combat this issue because sometimes I need privacy to work and study, but he fights me on this at every turn. He's frustrating his teachers at school for not following directions and also talking out of turn, too loudly, or too much. It's severe. I will tell him not to do something and the next minute he's doing it and when I try talking to him to ask him why he says "Because I want to." I'm very confused by him. All the advice I'm given is "spank him." I would do anything necessary to help steer him on the right path but his father was spanked often as a child for the same behaviors and he grew to become physically abusive. I don't want the same fate for my son. He's my first child and I know we aren't all perfect, but I don't have an example of proper parenting and discipline in my life and could use some input. I took him to a therapist and he gave me this packet full of information on a system to change him that included posters and charts and having everyone in the family focussed on his behavior. It seemed like a bit much. At the time it wasn't possible because we still lived with my mother. But now that we're away from her and the behaviors persist, I want to see change more than ever. Also, I myself have not exactly been consistent because I haven't found anything to be effective. Not time outs. Not taking away his toys. Not even light spanking when he was younger. I don't want to beat him. People are telling me he has to fear me. I do not want that for my son. Please help.

My son began acting very similar to the lady with the 6 year old when he about 4 to 5 and started school. He didnt use disrespectful language just the behavior and lack of impulse control. I used the chart reward based behavior modification aproach and although it only worked half of the time mostly for tasks and goals it did not work as he got older. I used this method consistently and was careful in how I talked to him because he absored everything. I raised 3 kids including him two now almost done with college and he is now a senior. Do not cry in front of the child do not act weak or fall into his behavior remain firm but loving and follow through with punishment you dont have to put your hands on him some children dont respond to corporal punishment especially fearful emotional children. My son was diagnosed with ADHD wich explained all the behavior and once I learned how to deal with that I was better able to handle the behavior. My son is still a pain sometimes due to his dramatic ways and yes sometimes I get fustrated but remember its harder for the kid than it is with you sometimes they really dont even know why they have outburts or get so worked up over nothing. Parenting is not easy and I grew up rough but with help from the doctors and schools teachers and most of all God I did it and still doing it .

My name is Theresa. I am 49 years old. I have two boys, ages 15 and 18. They both moved in with their father about two-three years ago. They were getting disrespectful before that but in the last couple of years it has gotten terrible. They only know of myMore existence when they want something. They never initiate communication with me. When I ask them why they never call/text me they say they forgot or they don't know. They are very lazy and unmotivated. Since my 18 year old has been of age he no longer visits, it's no longer court ordered. I raised my boys as a single parent until they were teenagers, their father and them had a very strained relationship during their younger childhood because he was always in and out of jail (mainly drug related). They started knowing their father when I took them to the prison for visits. It breaks my heart that I no longer exists to them. I try to talk to them but it always ends up with me crying and screaming. We no longer have any type of relationship, we use to be so terribly close, sort of like the three stooges. I love them so much and it kills me that they no longer seem to love or even care for me as their mama or as a person. How do you forget to call your mama?

I don't know what to do anymore about my daughter. First, let me say good things about her behavior. She has brought me closer to Buddha, that is for certain. However, who has such patience to deal with an unruly child day in and day out without losing their gripMore once in a while? I disappoint myself when I yell back at her, because I think I can do better than that and set a better example. But, of course I fall short sometimes. She seems to know all my buttons and pressing them is like a pastime for her. Today, she dragged her feet getting ready for school and made me have to hustle to get her to school even though I woke her up in plenty of time to wash up/brush teeth, eat, review her vocabulary words and even catch a little of a cartoon if she would have managed her time more wisely. 2ff7e9595c

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