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Mutant: Year Zero - The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Zone in PT-BR (PDF)

Mutant Year Zero RPG PDF Download PT BR

Mutant Year Zero RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game that takes you to a post-apocalyptic world where you play as mutants, the heirs of humanity but not quite human anymore. You have incredible powers but also flaws and weaknesses. You live in an Ark, a small settlement on the edge of a dead town, where you struggle to survive and develop. You also venture into the Zone, the wastelands outside the Ark, where you search for food, artifacts, other mutants, and knowledge. Maybe one day you will find Eden, the legendary haven of the Ancients.

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Mutant Year Zero RPG is based on a Swedish pen-and-paper RPG from 2014, which is itself a prequel to a long-running Mutant franchise that started in 1984. It uses the Year Zero Engine, a simple but effective dice system that creates tension and drama. It has won several awards, including the Silver ENNIE Award for Best Rules in 2015.

Mutant Year Zero RPG is especially popular in Brazil, where many fans of post-apocalyptic fiction and games have embraced its dark and gritty setting. There is also a strong connection between Brazil and Sweden, as both countries have experienced military dictatorships in their history. Some Brazilian players see Mut ant Year Zero RPG as a way of exploring their own past and present challenges, as well as imagining a possible future.

The Setting of Mutant Year Zero RPG

Mutant Year Zero RPG takes place in a world that has been devastated by a global war, a pandemic, and a series of environmental disasters. The exact cause and date of the apocalypse are unknown, but it is estimated that it happened around the year 2000. Most of the human civilization has been wiped out, and the survivors have either mutated or become feral. The remnants of the old world are scattered across the Zone, where they are slowly decaying or being reclaimed by nature.

The Zone

The Zone is the name given to the wastelands outside the Ark. It is a dangerous and unpredictable place, where you can find anything from ancient ruins and hidden treasures to deadly traps and hostile creatures. The Zone is also full of radiation, pollution, and anomalies, which can affect your health and your mutations. You never know what you will encounter in the Zone, so you have to be prepared for anything.

The Zone is divided into sectors, which are hexagonal areas on a map. Each sector has a name, a description, a threat level, and a list of possible events and locations. The game master can use these sectors to create their own Zone map, or use the one provided in the game book. The game book also includes several sample scenarios and campaigns that take place in the Zone.

The Ark

The Ark is the home base of the mutants. It is a small settlement built on the ruins of a dead town, where you have some shelter and security. The Ark is where you store your resources, develop your projects, interact with other mutants, and plan your expeditions into the Zone. The Ark is also where you face your internal conflicts, such as power struggles, faction wars, moral dilemmas, and personal dramas.

The Ark is defined by four attributes: Food Supply, Culture, Technology, and Warfare. These attributes represent how well the Ark is doing in terms of survival and development. You can improve these attributes by spending resources on various projects, such as building defenses, creating art, inventing gadgets, or growing crops. However, you also have to balance these attributes with each other, as they can affect the mood and stability of the Ark.

The Rules of Mutant Year Zero RPG

Mutant Year Zero RPG uses the Year Zero Engine, a dice system that is designed to create tension and drama. The core mechanic of the game is rolling a pool of six-sided dice (D6) to determine the outcome of your actions. The dice are color-coded according to their type: Skill Dice (green), Base Dice (yellow), and Gear Dice (black). Each type of dice has different effects and consequences.

Using a Skill

When you want to do something that is challenging or risky in the game, you have to use a skill. A skill is a combination of an attribute (Strength, Agility, Wits, or Empathy) and a specialization (such as Shoot, Sneak, Know, or Manipulate). To use a skill, you roll a number of Skill Dice equal to your attribute value plus your specialization value. For example, if you have Strength 4 and Fight 2, you roll 6 Skill Dice when you want to fight someone.

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You also add Base Dice and Gear Dice to your roll. Base Dice represent your innate abilities and luck. You always roll 1 Base Die when you use a skill. Gear Dice represent your equipment and tools. You add Gear Dice to your roll depending on what kind of gear you are using for your action. For example, if you are using a rifle with Gear Bonus +2 when you shoot someone, you add 2 Gear Dice to your roll.

You succeed at your action if you roll at least one 6 on any of your dice. This is called a success. You fail at your action if you roll no 6s on any of your dice. This is called a failure. The number of successes you roll determines how well you perform your action. For example, if you roll 2 successes when you shoot someone , you inflict 2 points of damage to them. The game master decides how many successes you need to achieve certain effects, such as hitting a target, finding a clue, or convincing someone. However, you also have to watch out for the 1s on your dice. These are called banes. If you roll any banes on your Base Dice or Gear Dice, you suffer negative consequences. For example, if you roll a bane on a Base Die, you take 1 point of trauma to the attribute you used for your action. If you roll a bane on a Gear Die, your gear breaks or malfunctions and loses 1 point of Gear Bonus. The game master decides what kind of complications or dangers you face when you roll banes.

Pushing Your Roll

If you are not satisfied with the result of your roll, you can push it. This means that you reroll all the dice that did not show a 6 or a 1. You can only push your roll once per action. Pushing your roll gives you another chance to succeed or improve your outcome, but it also increases the risk of failure and harm.

When you push your roll, you can get more successes or avoid banes. However, you can also get more banes or fail completely. If you get any banes when you push your roll, the consequences are worse than before. For example, if you roll a bane on a Base Die when you push your roll, you take 2 points of trauma instead of 1. If you roll a bane on a Gear Die when you push your roll, your gear is destroyed or lost and cannot be used again.

There is also another reason to push your roll: to activate your mutation. When you push your roll, you can choose to add Mutation Dice (red) to your pool. Mutation Dice are special dice that represent your mutant power. You can add as many Mutation Dice as you want, up to the number of Skill Dice in your pool. For example, if you have 4 Skill Dice in your pool, you can add up to 4 Mutation Dice when you push your roll.

Mutation Dice can help you succeed or enhance your action with your mutation. However, they can also backfire and cause problems. If you roll a 6 on a Mutation Die, it counts as a success and also triggers your mutation. The game master decides how your mutation affects your action and the situation. For example, if you have the Telepathy mutation and roll a 6 on a Mutation Die when you try to manipulate someone, you might read their mind or influence their thoughts.

If you roll a 1 on a Mutation Die, it counts as a bane and also causes an overload. This means that your mutation goes out of control and harms you or others. The game master decides what kind of disaster happens when you overload. For example, if you have the Pyrokinesis mutation and roll a 1 on a Mutation Die when you try to fight someone, you might set yourself or your surroundings on fire.

The Skills of the Game

Mutant Year Zero RPG has twelve basic skills that cover most of the actions you can do in the game. They are: Fight, Shoot, Sneak, Move, Scout, Comprehend, Know, Sense Emotion, Manipulate, Heal, Endure, and Force. Each skill is linked to an attribute, which determines how many Skill Dice you roll when you use it. For example, Fight is linked to Strength, so you roll Skill Dice equal to your Strength value plus your Fight value when you want to fight someone.

In addition to the basic skills, each role has one specialist skill that only they can use. A role is a type of mutant that defines your character's archetype and unique ability. There are eight roles in the game: Enforcer, Gearhead, Stalker, Dog Handler, Chronicler, Fixer, Boss, and Slave. Each role has a different specialist skill that gives them an edge in certain situations. For example, the Enforcer's specialist skill is Dominate, which allows them to intimidate or coerce others with their physical presence.

The Character Creation of Mutant Year Zero RPG

Mutant Year Zero RPG allows you to create your own mutant character with attributes, skills, talents, mutations, and relationships. You can either follow a step-by-step process or use a random method to generate your character. Either way, you will end up with a unique and interesting mutant that fits the setting and the theme of the game.

Choosing a Role

The first step of character creation is choosing a role. A role is a type of mutant that defines your character's archetype and unique ability. There are eight roles in the game: Enforcer, Gearhead, Stalker, Dog Handler, Chronicler, Fixer, Boss, and Slave. Each role has a different background, personality, goal, and specialty. For example, the Enforcer is a brute who protects the Ark with their strength and violence. The Gearhead is a tinkerer who builds and repairs machines and gadgets. The Stalker is a scout who explores and maps the Zone. The Dog Handler is a hunter who commands a loyal canine companion.

You can choose any role that appeals to you or suits your play style. You can also create your own role if you have an idea that is not covered by the existing ones. However, you should consult with your game master and other players before doing so, as some roles might be more or less suitable for certain scenarios or campaigns.

Distributing Stats, Skills, and Talents

The next step of character creation is distributing points to your character's stats , skills, and talents. These are the numbers that represent your character's abilities and specializations. You have a total of 14 points to distribute among your four attributes: Strength, Agility, Wits, and Empathy. Each attribute has a minimum value of 2 and a maximum value of 5. For example, you can have Strength 4, Agility 3, Wits 3, and Empathy 4.

You also have a total of 10 points to distribute among your skills. Each skill has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 3. You can choose any skill you want, but you must have at least one point in your role's specialist skill. For example, if you are an Enforcer, you must have at least one point in Dominate. You can also have points in other skills, such as Fight, Shoot, Endure, or Force.

Finally, you have a total of 4 points to distribute among your talents. Talents are special abilities that give you an edge in certain situations. There are four types of talents: General, Combat, Mutation, and Role. General talents are available to all characters, such as Lucky or Tough. Combat talents are related to fighting, such as Gun Nut or Brawler. Mutation talents are related to your mutation, such as Power Surge or Mutant Freak. Role talents are related to your role, such as Leader or Mechanic.

You can choose any talent you want, but you must have at least one talent from your role's type. For example, if you are a Gearhead, you must have at least one Mechanic talent. You can also have talents from other types, such as General, Combat, or Mutation.

Rolling for Mutations and Relationships

The final step of character creation is rolling for your mutations and relationships. These are the aspects of your character that make them unique and interesting. Mutations are the powers and flaws that come from your exposure to radiation and pollution. Relationships are the connections and bonds that you have with other characters.

To determine your mutation, you roll a D66 (two D6s) on the mutation table in the game book. This will give you the name and description of your mutation, as well as its effects and costs. For example, if you roll a 26 on the mutation table, you get the Acid Spit mutation, which allows you to spit acid at your enemies but also damages your mouth and teeth.

To determine your relationships, you roll a D6 for each of the other player characters in the game. This will give you a number that represents how close or distant you are with them. The higher the number, the more positive the relationship. The lower the number, the more negative the relationship. For example, if you roll a 6 for another character, you are best friends with them. If you roll a 1 for another character , you are enemies with them. You can also add some details or reasons for your relationships, such as shared history, common interests, or personal conflicts.

How to Download Mutant Year Zero RPG PDF in Portuguese

If you are interested in playing Mutant Year Zero RPG and you prefer to read it in Portuguese, you have two options: the official source and the unofficial source. The official source is the one that is authorized and supported by the publisher of the game, Free League Publishing. The unofficial source is the one that is made by fans or pirates, without the permission or endorsement of the publisher.

The Official Source

The official source for downloading Mutant Year Zero RPG PDF in Portuguese is the publisher's website or DriveThruRPG. The publisher's website is , where you can find information about the game, its expansions and supplements, and other related products. You can also buy the PDF version of the game from there, either as a standalone product or as part of a bundle with the physical book. The price of the PDF is $24.99 USD.

DriveThruRPG is , a digital marketplace for tabletop roleplaying games and other products. You can find Mutant Year Zero RPG and its expansions and supplements there, as well as other games that use the Year Zero Engine. You can also buy the PDF version of the game from there, either as a standalone product or as part of a bundle with the physical book. The price of the PDF is $24.99 USD.

Both the publisher's website and DriveThruRPG offer the option to download the game in different languages, including Portuguese. However, you should be aware that the Portuguese translation is not done by a professional translator, but by a volunteer fan who goes by the name of Rodrigo Figueiredo. He has done a great job of translating the game, but there might be some errors or inconsistencies in his work. He also does not have access to the original layout or artwork of the game, so he has to use his own tools and resources to create the PDF. Therefore, the quality and appearance of the PDF might not be as good as the original English version.

The Unofficial Source

The unofficial source for downloading Mutant Year Zero RPG PDF in Portuguese is the internet. There are many websites and platforms where you can find fan-made translations or pirated copies of the game in digital format. Some examples are blogs, forums, social media groups, file-sharing sites, torrent sites, and online libraries. You can search for these sources using keywords such as "mutant year zero rpg pdf download pt br", "mutant ano zero rpg pdf download pt br", or "mutante e aberração rpg pdf download pt br".

However, you should be careful when using these sources, as they might have some drawbacks or risks. For example, some sources might have incomplete or inaccurate translations, outdated or modified versions, low-quality or corrupted files, malware or viruses, legal issues or ethical concerns, or limited availability or accessibility. Therefore, you should always check the source's credibility, reliability, and legality before downloading anything from it.

Conclusion and FAQs

Mutant Year Zero RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game that lets you play as mutants in a post-apocalyptic world. You have to survive and develop in the Ark, your home base, and explore and scavenge in the Zone, the wastelands outside. You have to use your skills, talents, gear, and mutations to overcome the challenges and dangers you face. You also have to deal with your relationships with other mutants, as well as your own hopes and fears.

If you want to play Mutant Year Zero RPG and you prefer to read it in Portuguese, you can download the PDF version of the game from the official source or the unofficial source. The official source is the publisher's website or DriveThruRPG, where you can buy the game legally and support the creators. The unofficial source is the internet, where you can find fan-made translations or pirated copies of the game for free or cheap. However, you should be careful when using the unofficial source, as it might have some drawbacks or risks.

Whichever source you choose, we hope that you enjoy playing Mutant Year Zero RPG and discovering its rich and immersive setting. We also hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments about the game or the article, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

FAQ 1: Is Mutant Year Zero RPG available in other languages?

Yes, Mutant Year Zero RPG is available in other languages besides English and Portuguese. The game has been officially translated into Swedish, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Japanese. You can find these translations on the publisher's website or DriveThruRPG. There are also fan-made translations into other languages, such as Finnish, Dutch, Turkish, and Chinese. You can find these translations on various websites and platforms on the internet.

FAQ 2: Is Mutant Year Zero RPG compatible with other Year Zero Engine games?

Yes, Mutant Year Zero RPG is compatible with other games that use the Year Zero Engine, such as Coriolis: The Third Horizon, Tales from the Loop, Forbidden Lands, Alien: The Roleplaying Game, Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying, and Twilight: 2000. You can use the same rules and mechanics for these games, as well as mix and match elements from different settings. For example, you can have mutants from Mutant Year Zero RPG meet aliens from Alien: The Roleplaying Game or robots from Tales from the Loop. However, you should consult with your game master and other players before doing so , as some combinations might be more or less suitable for certain scenarios or campaigns.

FAQ 3: What are the expansions and supplements for Mutant Year Zero RPG?

Mutant Year Zero RPG has several expansions and supplements that add more content and options to the game. They are: - Mutant: Genlab Alpha: A standalone expansion that lets you play as animal mutants, such as cats, dogs, bears, or rabbits. You have to escape from a laboratory where you are experimented on by the humans. - Mutant: Mechatron: A standalone expansion that lets you play as robot mutants, such as drones, androids, cyborgs, or mechs. You have to rebel against a central AI that controls your lives. - Mutant: Elysium: A standalone expansion that lets you play as human enclaves, such as aristocrats, guards, servants, or rebels. You have to survive in a bunker where the social order is collapsing. - Mutant: The Gray Death: A campaign book that introduces a new threat to the world of Mutant Year Zero RPG: a deadly plague that affects both mutants and humans. You have to find a cure before it is too late. - Mutant: The Zone Compendiums: A series of books that provide more information and locations for the Zone, such as Dead Blue Sea, Hotel Imperator, Die, Meat-eater, Die!, and The Eternal War.

FAQ 4: How is Mutant Year Zero RPG adapted into a video game?

Mutant Year Zero RPG is adapted into a video game called Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. It is a tactical adventure game that combines turn-based combat with real-time exploration and stealth. It is developed by The Bearded Ladies and published by Funcom. It was released in 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

The video game follows the story of a team of mutants who are sent on a mission to find Eden, the legendary haven of the Ancients. Along the way, they encounter various enemies and allies, as well as secrets and mysteries. The video game features some of the characters and locations from the tabletop roleplaying game, as well as some new ones. It also has some differences in terms of rules and mechanics, such as the use of action points and cover system.

FAQ 5: Where can I find more resources and community for Mutant Year Zero RPG?

If you want to find more resources and community for Mutant Year Zero RPG, you can visit the following websites and platforms: - The publisher's website: , where you can find information about the game and its products. You can also contribute your own knowledge and experience to the wiki. 44f88ac181

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