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Psycho Wolf [hacked]: Become Psycho Wolf and Face Lots of Enemies

The Unleashed Wolves tactic is unique among the Dawn's Wolves, for it is seen as an absolute last resort, necessary to win the day, no matter the cost. When faced with great peril, when retreating to charge again is not enough to win them the day, the leaders of the Chapter, be they Reiks, Dawn Callers or even a simple Grey Champion, let out a powerful howl, charged with wrath and an echo of the unrelenting fury of Leman Russ. The psycho-endoctrinement of the Dawn's Wolves then allows them to hurl themselves at their foes, hacking and slashing until they die or their preys are fallen. Such a tactic is always extremely costly and almost never used, but it remains a weapon in its arsenal the Chapter is not eager to let go. In fact, it is this very behavior which earned them the right to be proclaimed true Sons of Russ by the Space Wolves, when the reinforcement fleet led by Thür Nighthowler finally found them, ten years or so after the Battle of Raukos.

Psycho Wolf [hacked]

The Chapter's badge, found on the left shoulder, is a crimson howling wolf's head encased in a golden circle. Contrary to the Space Wolves and most of their successors, the Dawn's Wolves Great Companies all share this symbol and are only destinguished by the way they wear talismans, pelts and weapons. Only a Dawn's Wolf can tell at first glance of which Great Company one of his fellow Battle-Brother is. On the right shoulder, stripes of Blue and Bronze will indicate the type of units, much like the right knee's paintings do for the Space Wolves.

Like several other newly created Primaris Space Marine Chapters, the Bloodied Hunters were created during the recent Ultima Founding during the closing years of the 41st Millennium from the lineage of their mighty Primarch Leman Russ. Like their namesake, the legendary wolf of Fenrisian mythology known as the Bloodied Hunter, this Chapter has garnered a fearful reputation as tireless pursuers and relentless hunters of the enemy - waiting patiently for the opportune moment to strike. They do not rush heedlessly into battle or proudly boast of their strength and battle prowess like their fellow cousin Chapters of the Sons of Russ. Instead they meticulously plan, manoeuvre and make tactical strikes to weaken the foe before the sudden final assault, often striking from multiple directions, but always with overwhelming and pitiless savagery, tearing an enemy force to shreds.

The Dawn's first encountered their savage cousins nearly decade after their inception, when the Wild Wolves once again fought their hated foes - the Sons of Torment Chaos warband - the Chapter soon found themselves overwhelmed by the superior numbers of the traitors and their daemonic allies. Facing imminent defeat, they found their salvation in the form of the timely arrival of their fellow Space Wolves Successors, the Bloodied Hunters Chapter, which came to aid their fellow cousin Chapter win against the heretics. However, the Bloodied Hunters had not come alone, for they had three other Chapters with them - the Dawn's Wolves, Dusk Howlers and Crimson Prowlers. Together, these three Chapters formed the unofficial collective known as the Sons of Russ. Joined together, these Scions of Russ fought against the servants of Timor, proving to be an unstoppable force. Impressed by their fellow wolf-kin, the Sons of Russ extended an invitation to their savage cousins to join their collective. Since this occasion, the Sons of Russ and the Wild Wolves have formed strong bonds as warriors and fellow scions of the Wolf King, and have willingly answered one another's call for aid, when the need arises.

Keywords: psychological trauma, physiological stress, psychophysiological dis-ease, emotional memory image (EMI), hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, talking therapies, psychological therapies focused on trauma, split-second unlearning

"The Sons of Fenris they are, hardened in the forge of their harsh world, eager for battle and honour. They are the grey warriors, ashen like the wolf, whose greatest joy is to hear the clamour of steel amidst the din of war."

"It matters not how high your walls soar,It matters not how many will answer your call,It matters not how keen your blade glimmers,Nor how bright burns your hearth fire.The wolf waits,The wolf waits in darkness for us all."

The Primarch of the Space Wolves had landed upon the icy Death World of Fenris, his incubation pod plummeting down into the flank of a vast mountain. Given the harshness of the Fenrisian climate, it is safe to say that a lesser being would have died almost immediately upon his arrival. Emerging from his smoking capsule, the infant Primarch soon encountered a deadly mother Thunderwolf. He was doomed, yet fate, it seemed, had other ideas. Sensing in the feral youth a kindred spirit, the giant she-wolf did not kill the transhuman child, but instead raised him alongside her cubs as one of her own. The Imperium's records concerning the Space Wolves' heritage and Russ' origins owe much to the life's work of Gnauril the Elder, a contemporary of the ancient Fenrisian king Thengir. Gnauril's saga, The Ascension of the Wolf-King, tells of one fateful Helwinter, when the feral wolf-child was discovered by a hunting party of Fenrisian tribesmen. In a vicious confrontation, the wolf-mother was slain by their spears and arrows, along with many of her cubs. The Primarch fought with terrible fury, slaying a dozen warriors with naught but his bare hands to protect his two surviving packmates, Freki and Geri. It was then that fate intervened once more. One of the tribesmen at last recognised the Primarch for what he was -- human, not wolf -- and called for his fellow huntsmen to lower their weapons. The bloodied youth stood his ground, fangs bared, but understood their peaceful gesture and stayed his wrath. Unsure quite what to do, the tribesmen brought the young Primarch and his wolf-kin -- for he would not be parted from them -- before the court of King Thengir of the Russ tribe. The aging chieftain saw the undeniable potential in the young man and ordered that he be given a place within his household, there to be raised as a true Fenrisian -- as a warrior. Though many were left dumbfounded by the king's decision, time certainly proved Thengir wise.

Amongst his own kind for the first time, Leman quickly learned their skills, showing a natural aptitude for the way of the warrior. He learned to speak, and mastered their primitive weapons -- iron axes and swords. Though he was quick to roar with laughter or bellow tunelessly in song, the Primarch slowly realised that he was more human than wolf, but far superior to both. When Russ handed the Champion of the King's Guard his battle-axes during their third sparring session after disarming him, Thengir admitted to himself that the young man was destined for greatness. The Primarch soon spoke the Fenrisian dialect of Low Gothic with powerful eloquence, and one evening, King Thengir deemed him worthy to receive a true name. The King named the former wolf-child Leman of the Russ. As the Primarch grew to maturity, he became the greatest of their number by far, leading the tribe's warriors to a thousand victories and more. Upon King Thengir's death, Leman of the Russ took his place upon the throne of the Russ. So did the Wolf-King become a living legend across Fenris. It was only a matter of time before word of his fame reached the ears of one who desperately sought news of His lost sons.

Thus it came to pass that Russ was hailed as King of all Fenris, the Wolf-King, his judgment considered to be as strong as his sword-arm and his authority indisputable. No man nor beast could best the Wolf-King. No tribe could stand against his armies. Within Russ' kingdom a truce existed between man and wolf. His court was attended by the fiercest of warlords and the most beautiful of maidens. Tales of his mighty conquests spread like forest fires, and it was not long before the eyes of Terra turned upon his deeds. When the fleets of the Emperor's Great Crusade neared Fenris, they heard tales of Fenris' extraordinary Wolf-King. The legend of the Wolf-King was quickly identified as the work of a missing Primarch, and the Emperor descended to the planet. And so it was that the great, sky-spanning starships of the Emperor travelled to the center of the sea of stars, settling on the icy world of Fenris scant years after Russ' ascension to the throne he had forged by uniting all the fractious and feral tribes of his world.

As time passed, the warriors of Russ began to refer to themselves as the Vylka Fenryka -- the "Wolves of Fenris" in the Fenrisian dialect. The VI was now a Legion on who Leman Russ' famous words and the snarling crimson wolf's head badge -- adopted now as the Legion's own -- had long since confirmed the common epithet of "Space Wolves." Much, it was said, to the private consternation of Horus, whose own "Luna Wolves" wore such a similar name first, but seemed the worse fit for it. Most Astartes of the VI Legion bristled at this cognomen as it was the foolish name given to them by offworlders who recognised none of their customs and traditions. But for all the Legion's conquests on the expanding frontier, it was for the Traitor and the turncoat that Russ and his warriors savoured a particular ire. It was for the aftermath of such actions as these and scores of others, of punishment meted out to "oath breakers" whose savagery was named "excessive" even by generals upon whose orders armies went to their graves and worlds were set flame, that the dark tales that had long surrounded the Legion were once more kindled. The stories were fuelled by the increasingly savage disposition and appearance which was starting to take over the Space Wolves, a name which now seemed as much statement as an enunciation of Legion heraldry.

As the Great Crusade wore on there were the number of those in the Imperial military who whispered that Angron was mad and his World Eaters Legion had followed with him into madness were increasing. These whispers became openly voiced as widespread discontent and demands for censure when stories began to circulate that Angron had ordered his Apochecarion to conduct widespread psycho-surgery, and implantation of the so-called Butcher's Nails cranial implants, after the infamous Ghenna Massacre came to light. This action, undertaken at Angron's instigation, resulted in the entire planetary population that had rebelled against its installed Imperial Commander being wiped out in a single night of extraordinary bloodshed. After Ghenna, the Emperor quickly moved to act and called Angron before Him for reprimand. He sent Leman Russ and his Space Wolves to Ghenna, to submit before them, and be brought back (in chains if need be) to Terra for judgement and sensor. Russ warned Angron that the Emperor had ordered the end of such prohibited surgery in the Legion. Though the Wolf King tried to talk sense into his blood-maddened brother, Angron refused to listen to reason. Eventually, with tensions rising on both sides, an inevitable confrontation took place. No one is exactly sure who started the melee, but Russ wisely chose to order his Legion to withdraw, as both Legions faced mutual annihilation if they continued their course. The World Eaters were later issued with orders to depart to the northern fringes of known space, there to harry and reave against xenos far from the Imperium's core worlds. This lamentable confrontation came to be referred to as the "Night of the Wolf". 2ff7e9595c

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