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The Jackals: Vincent Price's Last Western Adventure

As habitats are lost, jackals are increasingly infringing on human settlements, where can be viewed as a danger to livestock and poultry and be killed as pests. They are also often persecuted as rabies transmitters.

The Jackals

Like jackals, these opportunistic predators seek to ravage all that is good in our State, filling their bellies at a feast of greed and corruption. The whole affair reeks of madness, the kind of madness that stems from a conscience seared with a hot iron, void of principle, avaricious and demented by power.

The distinguishing characteristics of each species are denoted in their common names, according to the ADW. The black-backed jackal has black hair running from the back of the neck to the tail. The rest of the body is reddish-brown or ginger and the chest is white. Side-striped jackals are light gray to tan with a white stripe from elbow to hip and black side stripes. The golden jackal's coat is usually yellow to pale gold and brown-tipped, but the color can vary with season and region.

As omnivores, jackals like to eat both meat and vegetation. Their diet consists of leftovers from other animals' kills, ground-dwelling birds, reptiles, antelopes, fruits, insects, berries and grass. They're not picky, though. They will also eat human trash if something more suitable isn't available. Jackals will even eat decomposing or diseased flesh, according to Animal Planet.

Pups start hunting at around 6 months, but mom and dad still take care of them as long as they need it. Jackals become sexually mature at 6 to 11 months of age. Some jackals leave their parents at 11 months. Some stay and babysit, protect and feed their younger siblings. Jackals typically live 10 to 12 years.

The jackals that appear in The Lion Guard are black-backed jackals. They have brown or tan fur with black fur running along their backs and black tail tips. They have erect, pointed ears and long muzzles with large, round noses. They can have spots on their shoulders or chests. Their inner ears are darker than their primary fur color, and the outer ends of their inner ears are rimmed with paler fur. They also appear to be larger then their real-world counterparts.

Black-backed jackals inhabit two different areas of Africa. Jackal packs are composed of a mated pair and their young. Jackals use a variety of vocalizations to communicate, including yelping, whining, and cackling. They feed upon small to medium-sized animals, including reptiles, birds, and mammals. They will also eat berries, insects, and arachnids. Black-backed jackals are known for being more aggressive than other jackal species, as they will take on animals larger than themselves.

Fuli mentions jackals as one of the possible adversaries that the Lion Guard might have to face as the Guard rushes to the cry of an animal in trouble. Bunga remarks that whatever the adversary may be, the Lion Guard can take it.

A jackal named Reirei and her family appear in this episode. They convince the Lion Guard to let them enter the Pride Lands. Reirei sings the song Jackal Style to explain how jackals behave. The family then attacks during the Kupatana Celebration, but are sent back to the Outlands by the Lion Guard and Simba.

Two jackals attempt to eat Mjomba's Pack after tricking the aardwolves into trusting them. The Lion Guard arrives and quickly rescues the aardwolves, preventing the jackals from eating them and ordering them back to their home, where they are then shut in by Bunga.

Reirei is secretly watching Muhimu's Herd graze nearby, when she slinks down to speak with her children. She tells Dogo and Kijana that it's time for them to try out a technique that they have been practising - luring a young one away from the rest of the herd to strike it down while the older jackals chase away the older zebras. She puts her plan into

Soon, Bunga declares victory over Reirei's pups. She halts her attack in disbelief, and Bunga joins the children tocharge the jackal family one last time. The Lion Guard arrive just in time to see the jackals' defeat. Reirei soon grabs Kion's attention, complaining about how her family have been treated and asking for his help. Kion is sure they can

Reirei and her pack chase some pangolins in the Pride Lands to a cliff edge, forcing them to curl up in balls. After scolding her youngsters for playing with them, Fuli and Ono arrive. Reirei calmly commands her family to scatter, rendering the outnumbered Fuli and Ono unable to catch any of them. Reirei then disregards her former advice to her kids, and the jackals attack Fuli by throwing the pangolins at her. When the pangolins land, they uncurl. But when the jackals charge at them, they use their flatulence to ward them away. Reirei signals defeat, and the jackals retreat. Reirei and her pack return to the Outlands, meeting up with Janja's Clan along the way.

They return to the Outlands Volcano, where they excitedly inform Scar that the plan to break up the Lion Guard was a success. Scar explains that their first mission was merely a test, and that their main objective would be in the next mission - eliminating Rafiki. When Janja and Reirei show confusion at this plan, Scar continues to inform them that Rafiki can sense all the Lions of the Past, including himself, something he does not want the Pride Landers to discover yet. Janja and Reirei start to squabble over who will take out Rafiki and who will cause a distraction, but Scar grows tired of their pettiness, and sends Janja's clan out to take down Rafiki, who he informs them is meditating at Mapango Cliffs, while Reirei's pack distract the Lion Guard. Reirei proudly states that jackals always get the job done. Outside, Janja taunts Reirei over Scar's decision.

the Lion Guard's attention. When they cross a dense opening, Tamaa the drongo starts to impersonate the Lion Guard just outside, flying across to give the false impression that the full Lion Guard are surrounding the jackals. Although Reirei takes comfort in the fact that none of the Lion Guard members are going after Janja's clan, Goigoi reminds her how bad it is for them. But when Tamaa impersonates Kion's Roar, the jackals are shocked to find themselves still standing. During this time, Reirei notices Tamaa's tail feathers just outside the clearing, and pins him down.

declares the battle a victory thanks to the hyenas, causing Reirei to lash out and state that the jackals were responsible. The chain continues with Kiburi stating that the crocodiles were the main reason for success, followed by Mzingo who states it was the vultures. When Reirei questions them on their intelligence with Mwoga still carrying a blazing stick, the vulture promptly drops it on the ground. Scar appears from the small flames to give them their next order. He explains how they will be staying in the valley, and will take the Pride Lands piece by piece. All the animals agree that the valley is a dump, but when Janja offers to rule over them, he causes Reirei and Mzingo to argue over leadership, with Reirei stating that she's the smartest of them all. Later, she fights with one of Kiburi's crocodiles for leadership.

The jackals are with the rest of the Army Of Scar fighting Basi's Pod at Big Springs. A Gorilla named Shujaa comes to save Basi. He starts throwing rocks at the jackals, hyenas and crocs. When Scar hears what's going on he orders his army to keep attacking

Reirei's Pack helps the Army of Scar fight against the Pride Landers. However Scar gets defeated by the Lion Guard. Jasiri soon becomes in charge of the Outlands and jackals might think it's worth living if she's keeping Janja in line.

Jackals are vicious and aggressive creatures that are taller than humans. They bite and scratch their enemies with their sharp teeth and claws. They resemble dogs with grey hair on their head with glowing white eyes. They are shown to not be mindless creatures that follow instruction or commands without question as jackals are shown to retreat or run away when overpowered. When a jackal dies, they turn into sand.

The strength, durability, and speed of jackals surpass that of a human, for they are able to effortlessly lift two people with each hand, absorb damages that are inflicted on them, and can catch up to Moon Knight while running on rooftops.

"But who will convince the jackals to come and respect Wiz Rooster's intervention?" asked Old Rex. "After what happened in the Orange Orchard last time we tried to talk, the jackals have refused to meet with us."

"Wiz Sir, I humbly invite you to mediate between the dinosaurs and jackals. But ... we have to convince the jackals to come. Not just come and participate but also respect the decision we come to," said Din Din.

Din Din was stunned when he saw the polite manner in which the jackals were behaving with the rooster. He saw Wiz Rooster speak to the head jackal, Jacko, in hushed tones. Soon, Jacko walked upto Din Din and said, "Tell Old Rex we are ready to talk if Wiz Rooster will mediate."

"Actually, the jackals had come to me for help many years ago. There was the matter of some of their young jackals getting lost in the deep caverns. I had helped them find their young and ever since they are very grateful," explained Wiz Rooster with a kind smile.

It was a Sunday morning when all the dinosaurs and jackals gathered in the orange orchard. The air was crackling with anticipation and lined with fear. The dinosaurs sat on one side while the jackals occupied the opposite end.

"We request the jackals to leave Fruit Park and search for another home. The dinosaur elders are afraid that our young might return to the ways of wild if they live with the jackals," Fredrick finished his statement with a bow.

the Persic shaal, Turkish jakal, canis aureus of Linnaeus, has been thought to be denoted by several Hebrew words variously rendered in the Autho Vers. SEE FOX; SEE DRAGON; SEE WHELP, etc. It is a wild animal of the canine family SEE WOLF; SEE DOG, which in Persia, Armenia, likewise Arabia (Niebuhr, Beschr. 166), and even in Syria (Russel, Aleppo, 2, 61) and Palestine (around Jaffa, Gaza, and in Galilee, Hasselquist, Trav. p. 271; among the hills of Judea, Robinson, 2, 432; 3:188), is frequently met with, attaining a large size (three and a half feet in length), and so closely resembling a fox in color and general appearance as to be at first readily mistaken for that animal. But the jackal has a somewhat peculiarly formed head, not greatly unlike that of a shepherd's dog, about seven inches long, with a very pointed muzzle, and yellowish-red hair which resembles that of the wolf. The color of the body is yellowish-gray above, whitish below; the back and sides sometimes of mixed gray and black; the shoulders, thighs, and legs uniformly tawny-yellow. The tail is round, projecting, and reaching hardly to the heel. The eyes are large, with a round pupil. It is gregarious in its habits, hunting in packs (generally preying upon smaller animals and poultry, but frequently attacking the larger quadrupeds), the pest of the countries where it is found. It burrows in the earth, preferring forests and caverns, where it usually lies hid during the daytime; but at night it issues in companies (sometimes very large) on predatory incursions among the villages, and often the immediate vicinity of towns. Its favorite food is fowls or carrion, and it' will break into graves to 'make a meal upon the corpse, and even carry off and devour young children if found unprotected. In a wild state, this animal has an intolerably offensive odor. Colonel Hamilton Smith, in his Canidae, states that "jackals form a group of crepuscular and nocturnal canines, never voluntarily abroad before dark, and then hunting for prey during the whole night; entering the streets of towns to seek for offals, robbing the hen- roosts, entering out-houses, examining doors and windows, feasting upon all dressed vegetables and ill secured provisions, devouring all the carrion they find exposed, and digging their way into sepulchers that are not carefully protected against their activity and voraciousness; and in the fruit season, in common with foxes, seeking the vineyards, and fattening upon grapes. They congregate in great numbers, sometimes as many as two hundred being found together, and they howl so incessantly that the annoyance of their voices is the theme of numerous apologues and tales in the literature of Asia. This cry is a melancholy sound, beginning the instant the sun sets, and never ceasing till after it has arisen. The voice is uttered and responded to by all within hearing, in an accent of every possible tone, from a short, hungry yelp to a prolonged crescendo cry, rising octave above octave in the shrillness, and mingled with dismal whinings, as of a human being in distress." Their nightly howl has a peculiar wailing tone (Russel, Aleppo, p. 62; Russegger, Reise, 3, 125), greatly resembling the cry of a child. "These sinister, guilty, woebegone brutes, when pressed with hunger, gather in gangs among the graves, and yell in rage, and fight like fiends over their midnight orgies; but on the battlefield is their great carnival" (Thomson, Land hand Book, 1, 134). (See, generally, Bochart, Hieroz. 2, 180 sq., who maintains that the jackal was designated among the Greeks and Romans by the name θώς, θωός, Kampfer, Amoen. 2, 406 sq.; Gmelin, Reise. 2, 81 sq. Güildenstädt, in Nov. coment. acad. Petropol. 20, 449 sq.; Oedmann, Samnnl. 2, 18 sq.) 2ff7e9595c

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